How to get kids outdoors
How to get kids outdoors
Here it is, the long-awaited summer, friendly sun, fresh air and blue expanse of water! It would seem, what else is needed to take a deep breath and fully relax? Relaxation, of course, is hindered by anxiety for children, who are especially active and disobedient in the wild. It often turns out that it is the children who “come off to the fullest” in nature, and adults instead of rest get fuss. What is the reason? It’s all the fault of the unorganized leisure of children in nature. It seems to many that the mere presence of children among wildlife can captivate them so much that adults do not need to do anything. This is an erroneous point of view.

How does this communion with nature actually turn out? Adults, having come with a child to a park, garden or forest, immediately thoroughly settle in one place, and the child wants to see everything new that the environment gives him. The little explorer tirelessly pulls his mother farther and farther, never ceasing to be amazed at the secrets he has peeped. How to make sure that the rest was mutual and left a good impression?
Activities with kids in nature
When meeting with nature, we teach to greet her: “Hello, garden, we have come to visit you.” And learn to behave like guests: kindly, carefully, attentively.
You can direct the research inclinations of the child to an independent study of some object nearby, for example, to watch a puddle and its inhabitants – water striders, frogs. If a child likes to draw, you can offer to sit on a stump and make an unusual drawing – on a piece of plywood. It is good for the kid to read from memory suitable lines of poems or fairy tales about animals, insects, birds, plants. Here you can search for your favorite heroes and watch them.
Riddles about natural phenomena, songs, signs, sayings – everything that a child has learned can get a “live” embodiment. That will be joy!
Feel free to offer didactic games: “Find a tree according to its description”, “Guess whose leaf it is”, “What grows in a garden (forest, field)”, etc. In the evening, you can look at the sky and the stars and talk about them.
Senior Games
Give preference to team games in which children of different ages can successfully participate and free parents from guardianship for a long time. For example, the game “Pathfinder”. Its advantage is that any number of children can play here, even one. The main thing is to solemnly appoint everyone as trackers (agents 001, Indians, etc.), explain why it is important to find something, and do homework. Children receive a list of tasks, supplies, paper and a pen to write a report.
And that’s it. Parents will see them only when the Pathfinders are ready to talk about their results. A successful operation ends with the presentation of gifts. The list of tasks is compiled taking into account the area where the rest will be organized. Here is a sample list.
On the map, mark the cardinal points, identifying them by compass or signs.
Listen to the sounds of nature and write them down using letters (chirp chirp, etc.)
Who is the smartest?
Collect 20 cones against the clock. Everyone’s time is fixed.
Also, beads are collected from the collected cones for a while. The time is being recorded.
Read signal
At a certain time, give the children a signal of alternating short and long beeps. Everyone should record the signal in the form of sticks (long beep) and dots (short beep).