What to do with a child on long trips
What to do with a child on long trips.
Summer is in full swing, and there is not enough sunshine this year… What to do? Correctly! Don’t miss the impending velvet season. We take a husband, kids, a cat to a grandmother for a temporary settlement and forward to the gentle sun! By plane, by train, by car, by bus – on anything, just to hear the magical whisper of the sea waves and the caressing touch of the hot sun.

But one huge BUT slows down – how the children will endure the trip to the long-awaited seaside resort. Perhaps the nervous stress from a long trip will cross out all the anticipated joys.
Then I was puzzled by the question, how can I captivate a child on the road so that time flies easily and naturally for the child and for us parents. After all, I really want the vacation to begin immediately from the moment we take our seats according to the purchased tickets. First of all, I began to remember entertainment and games that do not take up much space and do not require a lot of attributes. Then I turned to the Internet, met a lot of information from mothers who have already been on long trips and share their experiences. After analyzing all the information, I concluded that there is no universal remedy or set of tools for entertaining a child on a long journey. There are a huge number of entertaining variations from which you can choose the best set that is right for your child – the main thing is to rely on his preferences, interests and age.
Below I want to bring to your attention games and entertainment that will help children spend a long journey in any form of transport as fun and easy as possible. So, let’s begin.
Take your child’s favorite books with you on the road, and you can also buy a new interesting book, perhaps your baby will listen to a new story / fairy tale / verse with pleasure for some time.
Now, in bookstores you can find fascinating parenting books that will tell you how to optimally organize your child’s leisure time on the road. These are ready-made compact collections of entertaining activities that our kids should definitely like.
On the road, you will need a sketchbook and felt-tip pens. Kids just love to draw. Drawing is a very exciting game if it takes place with the participation of adults. You can come up with a fairy tale and take turns drawing characters together, and you can also come up with a plot along the way. This is a great game for developing the imagination and creativity of the child. You can fantasize about the place where you are going to rest – what is there, what it looks like, what kind of people live there, what animals live there, what plants grow, etc.
If you don’t like to draw, then paint, the child will be busy for at least half an hour.
Plasticine will also come in handy – you can sculpt animals, plants, people, fairy-tale characters, dad driving (stewardess, conductor, plane) – it will also be fun.
Cities, edible-inedible, animals (name words starting with the last letter of the previously spoken word) or, for those who are younger, just who knows more words on a given topic. Association games: hand – fisherman – fishing rod – fish – catch, etc. And you can also learn letters by naming words that begin only with a given letter, or, conversely, ending with it.